Lifesaving Value
It is estimated that 1 in 217 people may need a stem cell transplant by the age of 70 using stem cells from the umbilical cord.
Learn more about cord blood and tissue banking, how these tiny-yet-powerful stem cells literally save lives every day, and why parents-to-be choose to bank their stem cells with AlphaCord for their family's future.
Get the Guide
Why Preserve With AlphaCord?
By saving your newborn’s stem cells you are safeguarding a wealth of current and potential treatments for your family, and protecting a valuable resource.
- Stem cells have been used for over 30 years to treat more than 80 diseases and disorders
- Preserving gives families access to the most cutting edge science
- A resource for life, stem cells can be preserved indefinitely in proper cryogenic storage
700000 +
Samples Frozen
$ 85000
Service Guarantee
80 +
Diseases Treated
19 +
Years in Business
AlphaParents Trust Us
"As a physician and mother of four, I decided to store my children’s cord blood. We had a positive experience with AlphaCord from the very beginning. AlphaCord makes it extremely easy, from the kit arriving in the mail to harvesting the cord blood. We’ve been using AlphaCord for the last 14 years. We are grateful for this."
-Rachel, AlphaMom

Did you know that you can practice delayed cord clamping and store your baby's stem cells?
It is possible to preserve your baby's newborn stem cells if you choose to practice delayed cord clamping. It's recommended you clamp after 60 seconds to maintain enough cord blood to collect stem cells. Learn more in the guide or give us a call to speak to a Newborn Stem Cell Education Specialist.

AlphaCord has been an industry leader in providing the best Newborn Stem Cell Storage at affordable prices for two decades. Our clinical expertise and commitment to excellence in cryogenic stem cell preservation is proven and guaranteed.